Scarecrow pg 7 9-18-14

Category: Current Issue
Scarecrow contest set
PUTNAM --- As part of the Great Pumpkin Festival set for Oct. 25, everyone is invited to take part in the Fifth Annual Scarecrow Contest. The Scarecrow setup deadline is Oct. 22. The contest will take place throughout the town of Putnam. 
The festival on Oct. 25 will conclude the contest with events such as a train excursion, craft fair, pumpkin-carving contest, clowns, face painting, food court artists show, bands and more.
The contest application and rules are available at WINY Radio Station from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. or at or by calling 774-2827 or at The Arc Emporium in downtown Putnam.
The Putnam Business Association committee of judges will score the entrees on the basis of creativity, use of materials and theme.
For more information, call Linda Lamoureux at 774-2827 (days) or 928-0025 evenings.