Italian history
needs more families
PUTNAM --- The Aspinock Historical Society's Fab Cutler is working on a society project, "Italian Families of Putnam, CT."
“Although I am French Canadian descent, I am deeply involved with this project on Italian American Families of Putnam. I have lived in Putnam all my life, I know many Italian families so followed up on the subject. They have been very enthusiastic and supportive of this project. The book includes a cover page of each family plus pictures depicting the history of their family," she said. She has contacted about 30 families and is seeking more. If you or anyone you know would like to be included in this book, contact Fab Cutler at 860-928-2127 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The books, three-ring binder type, will be for sale for $20, including tax. You can order one by contacting Cutler.

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