Past Issues of the Putnam Town Crier

Grants announced
The Windham Women & Girls Fund met its second year of the Ossen Challenge, raising $67,000 in 2013 for endowment. The same amount was generated for grants. 
With 99 gifts added in the last month of 2013, the Community Foundation’s Windham Women & Girls Fund increased its permanent endowment to $275,000 and directed another $27,000 in grants to social concerns in the region.
     Six grants went to:  Covenant Soup Kitchen, $1,400,  to provide food assistance to women and children.
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, $4,500, to provide access to health care for uninsured women and teens.
Windham Area Interfaith Ministry, $5,000, for its Partners in Independence Program which engages community mentors to work with low-income adults. 
Windham County 4-H Foundation, $1,000, for camperships for middle school Latina girls.
Connecticut Legal Services, $10,000, to provide assistance to local residents.
Windham Region No Freeze Hospitality Center, $5,000, to help shelter women and assist the shelter meet the needs brought on by this extra-ordinarily cold winter season. 
The six grants are in addition to 13 totaling $39,000 that were announced in December.
“Mahalo” (thanks) to Tom and Kathy Borner from Putnam Bank for building homes recently with Independent Community Bankers of America for the Honolulu Habitat for Humanity. Courtesy photo.
Greetings. As the weather begins to warm, it’s time to think about getting outside to do some grilling. Spring seems to be taking a little more time in coming this year, even though the calendar indicates that this is the week. This recipe doesn’t need to be grilled, but it might entice us to into at least thinking about it!
Pork Tenderloin 
in a Balsamic Vinegar Marinade
1–1½ pound pork tenderloin
2 tablespoons water
1½ tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce   1 tablespoon marmalade
1 TBSP minced fresh parsley  ½ TBSP Dijon mustard
1 tsp dried thyme leaves   ¼ tsp ground black pepper
If pork tenderloin is in one piece, cut in half crosswise. 
Set aside.
In a shallow glass baking dish, combine remaining ingredients. Place tenderloin in the marinade and turn to coat all sides. Cover, and refrigerate for 1 hour, and up to three hours. Turn tenderloin in the marinade occasionally.
Preheat broiler or grill. If broiling, remove tenderloin from marinade and place on rack in broiler pan. If grilling, simply transfer tenderloin to grill. Reserve marinade. 
In a small saucepan, bring marinade to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for a few minutes. Keep warm while meat finishes cooking.
Grill or broil tenderloin for about 18 minutes, turning meat so it cooks evenly, and the thickest part reaches 160 degrees F.
Allow tenderloin to rest for 5 minutes before slicing. Drizzle marinade over each serving.
This is the Hammond and Knowlton Silk Factory in Putnam in the early 1900s. You can see the canal next to it in this photo. Photos courtesy of  Susan Calaman.
& Now
This is the same area today. The canals are now gone. Kennedy Drive is to the right and Canal Street is to the left.
Shadow Play
The snow and the sunlight turned this bare tree on Route 44 in Pomfret into a shadow jungle. Linda Lemmon photo.
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